Important information regarding the contacts and business relationships that you make through the B2B MARKET PLACE, keep in mind that:

  1. PROCOLOMBIA accompanies companies with the purpose of facilitating business opportunities between exporters and buyers, without intervening in purchase and/or sale decisions, therefore, the contractual and legal responsibility of commercial negotiations falls directly on the companies that carried out the commercial transaction (exporter and buyer).
  2. Although PROCOLOMBIA carries out a preliminary investigation of the companies as part of its work methodology and commercial management, this process does not constitute any guarantee of compliance in the negotiations between the parties, for this reason it is recommended that both the exporter and the buyer carry out their own validations and protect their commercial operations with the mechanisms available in international trade regulations.
  3. The relationship between PROCOLOMBIA and the companies in Colombia and abroad, is generated through trust and the experience acquired from previous actions; however, such companies may present situations that could lead to possible breaches, without these being the responsibility of PROCOLOMBIA, which is why both exporters and buyers must ensure that they use secure negotiation tools, seek advice from experts to assess commercial risks and formalize the contractual documents that may be necessary to shield their conversations.
  4. ProColombia will in no case be responsible for the information of the companies and/or products available on this platform since it is filled out completely by each one of the companies.

Expo Dubai


Expo Dubai

Colombia's participation in Expo Dubai will be an unbeatable opportunity for Colombian entrepreneurs to expand their opportunities to do business with countries of the Middle East, Africa and South Asia – MEASA

The B2B Market Place, Expo Dubai chapter, brings together the portfolios of the companies that are part of the country's exportable offer, thanks to their interest and their potential to export in the markets of the MEASA region

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Ex: Agricultural
Montana Fruits , We are a Colombian company dedicated to export hass avocado, passion fruit in fresh fruit and frozen pulp, carefully selected always offering the best quality standards and certifications.
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NOVACAMPO SAS SCI, NOVACAMPO SAS SCI, is a company dedicated to the production of tropical fruits and its marketing in Europe, in the USA and in the United Arab Emirates.

It was founded in March 2003 and its first exports of Goldenberries (Physalis Peruviana) were made by air to Germany. As it got more popular, we started shipping to Europe by sea.

Novacampo SAS SCI, nowadays thanks to the work of its collaborators and its high quality standards, has managed to enter and sustain itself in a market of high demand as the European and venture into the North American, where it hopes to continue growing.

Their crops are certified according to the GLOBAL GAP, which is a guarantee of their Good Agricultural Practices and Good Management Practices. In addition, Novacampo counts with The Global Grasp, and Rainforest Alliance Certifications.

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TERRA TRADING SAS , We stand out for offering our clients a wide portfolio of fresh and processed products, taking advantage of the variety of high-quality crops offered by the country’s regions, meeting the demands of the international market.
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AGROQUINOA SAS, AGROQUINOA SAS is a Colombian company dedicated to the cultivation and transformation of healthy foods based on Quinoa and Sacha Inchi as ancestral seeds, like snacks: Quinoa Snacks with nuts, Macadamia, Cashew, quinoa with banana chips, banana in pieces, instant quinoa with natural banana flavor and Sacha Inchi oil.
AGROQUINOA SAS also produces and markets natural cosmetics with Sacha Inchi oil.
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ALIMENTOS CARNICOS S.A.S, Alimentos Carnicos belong to Nutresa group, leader in the processed foods in Colombia and one of the most important companies in the food sector in Latin America, we produce and sell the highest-quality beef, such us: Loin cuts, Round cuts, Forequarter cuts, trimming etc.
We are one of the main Colombian beef exporters with a presence in the Middle east and Asia,
We also supply the raw material needed to manufacture our processed products such us, hams, bolognas, sausages, cured meats, including cold cuts of the leading brands in the Colombian Market.
We have 9 production plants in Colombia (7), Panama (1), Venezuela (1) and we are certified by the Colombian Institute of Technical Standards and Certifications such as ISO 9001, OHSAS 180001, HACCP additional we are certified for some institutions of Halal process.
We have developed the technical and human capacity to bring the world the best quality beef.
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Alimentos SAS S.A.S., We produce and market frozen or aseptic tropical fruit purees for retail, food service or industrial markets.
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ALNATTURAL S.A.S, Alnattural SAS is a producer and exporter of exotic fruits such as Passion fruit, Granadilla, Tamarillo and Goldenberries (GlobalGap certified). Also, Tahiti lemon and mango. We have an efficient packing and shipping operation of exotic fruits by air or sea.
We are looking for wholesale customers, exporters and importers to establish long term business relationships.
We would like to know your current needs and requirements, so that we can become a reliable and efficient supplier for you.
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Apicola Campo Verde sas, ACV is a Colombian company that produces and commercializes products from the beehive. Our main activity
is beekeeping and supplying ecologically 100% natural honey.
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APU SAS, APU S.A.S. Is a grower, exporter and trader company. We provide white brands services for other grower or companies.

We are looking for direct business between grower to buyers with real social and environment commitment.

The company had own crops, knowledges, good deal-alliances with other family farmer, milling equipment, roaster and very good staff to provide the best products and white brands services.

We are a company commitment with find new relationship between , Teruel-Huila Colombia customer and prove our achievement sending shipping to more than 12 countrys for Middle East, Asia, LATAM, US and North America, Europe Zone and Unid the Kingdom.

We rea selling direct from farmer to buyer, consistent products, export as CIF ICOTERM, we are keeping for adaptability and future changes around worldwide and capacity to send various container by plan order.
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Asociación Juan Café, We are coffee producers from the village of San Juan de la China, San Bernardo; represented in eleven Veredas who have been developing the coffee activity as a way of life with family roots since our ancestors.
Located in the foothills of the central mountain range, at an altitude that ranges between 1300 and 2200 meters above sea level, within the township of San Juan de la China and San Bernardo, Municipality of Ibagué, Tolima Department, Colombia, South America.
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AURORA GREEN FOOD SAS, We are a company with a strong moral purpose, focused on one main objective: working hand in hand with farmers to guarantee production quality without neglecting the environment, therefore optimizing processes so that they are environmentally friendly. Our operation is sustainable in this way, generating benefits for all those involved in the operation.

We make sure to carry out an ongoing comprehensive assessment of our procedures throughout the logistics chain, to achieve the highest quality in our products.
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Bazurto, Food export company. Our portfolio includes:
1. Sweet plantain in slices, whole or puree.
2. Cold brew coffee concentrate.
3. Hass avocado
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CAFÉ CONTENTO S.A.S, Company dedicated to sharing experiences through the production and sale of specialty coffees, focusing on providing the opportunity to allied coffee growers, to show their products and land to buyers, where they will find quality coffees with a score higher than 84 points according to SCA, with varieties such as castillo, cenicafe 1, etc.
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Café de la Torre AUS, Our company exports green and roasted coffee excelso, it is certificated.
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CAFE QUINDIO SAS, CAFÉ QUINDÍO was born in 1991. It is located in the aromatic heart of Colombia, Armenia, Quindío. Here the best and softest coffee in the world is produced, cultivated with care and dedication by coffee growers and country people in mountainous and high lands with the appropriate height.
Quindío produces the best cherries of its kind, hand-collected, benefited and classified with special techniques; they go to roasting at an optimal temperature in order to highlight its softness, aroma and flavor; qualities that have given us great prestige in the taste of coffee-experts.
We make products with coffee to offer different consuming options (cookies-meringues-marmalades-caramels)
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Cafe Soca, COFFEE EXPORT Y CIA S EN C CI is a family business devoted to the commercialization and export of high quality Colombian specialty coffee. Amongst the top 15 biggest private coffee exporters in Colombia, we aim to continue acquiring international recognition for providing high quality coffee preparation and cup profile.

In order to market and provide coffee with the finest and freshest flavors to both the domestic and international market, we rely on high-tech equipment required for the benefit, selection and classification of our product, which guarantees international export standards are fulfilled.

We want to make a difference in the Colombian coffee industry through continuous improvement of our internal processes in order to ensure stronger relationships with the international market for Colombian coffee.
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